Masuk Daftar

at home artinya

contoh kalimat "at home"
  • I think she's having troubles at home, sir.
    Kupikir dia sedang punya masalah di rumah, pak.
  • And the funny part is I feel so completely at home.
    Lucunya aku seperti "Merasa Dirumah".
  • There's a man at home, and mummy's crying!
    Ada seorang pria di rumah, dan mumi menangis!
  • I have 20 meters at home in my garden.
    Aku punya 20 meter di taman rumahku.
  • Why don't y'all just make yourselves at home?
    Mengapa tidak kalian hanya membuat sendiri di rumah?
  • You got a gun at home? Bring it over right away.
    Kau punya senjata di rumah?
  • I think you forgot your watch at home.
    Saya pikir Anda lupa Anda menonton di rumah.
  • I'm sometimes... not quite at home around people.
    Aku kadang-kadang ... jadi canggung di sekitar orang-orang.
  • Actually, I keep it in my desk at home.
    Sebenarnya, aku menyimpannya di mejaku di rumah.
  • He spends more time there than at home.
    Dia lebih banyak menghabiskan Waktunya disana daripada dirumah.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a reception held in your own home

  • Keterangan
  • at, to, or toward the place where you reside; "he worked at home"

  • on the home team''s field; "they played at home last night"

  • at, to, or toward the place where you reside; "he worked at home"

  • on the home team''s field; "they played at home last night"